Friday, October 16, 2009

Installing IE 8

Installed IE 8 in my office pc. (Yes I do use Fedora in my laptop, but the PC at office is still windoz xp). I am an avid follower of firefox. But my job includes testing web pages in many browsers. Earlier I was using IE6. But it was a pain to use it as it had no tabs. So after putting it off for many months, finally I decided to have the plunge.

Installing was a pain. If I participated in testing IE8, I will never give OK for it. There are many improvements to be done.
1. Installing process is awfully lengthy. In fact, an OS can be installed within that time.
2. There is no progress bar in the installation dialog, only a scrolling green worm like bar. So you got no idea whether installtion is actually in progress or something has gone wrong and installer is not responding.

Functionality seems still OK. In fact I'm writing the blog, via IE8. :-)

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